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자산 Assets
유동자산 Current assets
현금및현금성자산 Cash and cash equivalents
매출채권 및 기타유동채권 Accounts receivable&other receivable
기타유동금융자산 Other current financial assets
유동당기손익인식지정금융자산 Financial assets designated as at fair value through profit or loss
유동당기손익-공정가치 측정 지정 금융자산 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
유동매도가능금융자산 Available-for-sale financial assets
유동만기보유금융자산 Held to maturity Investments
유동상각후원가 측정 금융자산 Financial assets at amortized cost
단기금융상품 Short-term Financial Instruments
기타유동자산 Other current assets
재고자산 Inventories
비유동자산 Non-current assets
기타비유동금융자산 Other non-current financial assets
비유동 당기손익-공정가치 측정 지정 금융자산 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
비유동매도가능금융자산 Available-for-sale financial assets
비유동 기타포괄손익-공정가치 측정 금융자산 Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income     비유동만기보유금융자산 Held to maturity Investments
비유동 상각후원가 측정 금융자산 Financial assets at amortized cost
장기금융상품 Long-term Financial Instruments
관계기업에 대한 투자자산 Investments in associates
유형자산 Property, plant and equipment
영업권 이외의 무형자산 Intangible assets other than goodwill
기타비유동자산 Other non-current assets
이연법인세자산 Deferred income tax assets
퇴직급여운용자산/퇴직연금운용자산 Retirement benefit plan assets/Pension plan assets
자산총계 Total assets


부채 Liabilities
유동부채 Current liabilties
매입채무 및 기타유동채무 Trade and other current payables
단기차입금 Short-term borrowings
유동 당기손익-공정가치 측정 지정 금융부채 Current financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss
기타유동금융부채 Other current liabilities
당기법인세부채 Current tax liabilities
유동충당부채 Provisions for current liability
매각예정비유동자산과 직접 관련된 부채 Liabilites associated with non-current assets held for sale
비유동부채 Non-current liabilities
장기차입금 Long-term borrowings
퇴직급여부채 Retirement benefit liabilities
기타비유동부채 Other non-current liabilities
이연법인세부채 Deferred income tax liabilities
부채총계 Total liabilities


자본 Shareholders' Equity
지배기업의 소유주에게 귀속되는 자본 Controlling Invest equity
자본금 Capital
자본잉여금 Additional paid-in and other capital
기타자본구성요소 Other components of equity
기타포괄손익누계액 Accumulated other comprehensive income
이익잉여금(결손금) Retained earnings
비지배지분 Non-controlling Invest equity
자본총계 Total stockholder's equity 자본과부채총계 Total liabilities & Stockholder's Equity


지금까지 영문 재무제표, 그중에 재무상태표에서 활용되는 용어를 살펴봤습니다.
혹시라도 틀린 부분이 있거나 더 좋은 표현이 있다면, 알려주세요!

이상. 끝.


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